Sunday, January 16, 2011

Rainbow Unicorn Cake for Amie Wee

When my friend Amie Wee posted a photo of her dream birthday cake on facebook with an "I NEED THIS TO HAPPEN" tag, I couldn't pass up the challenge.

Can you really make a unicorn cake, with rainbows on the inside?

And then on Friday night it actually happened :)

Luckily I had a photo for reference, because I was unsure how to make unicorns out of cakes, but baking paper cake patterns are my new best friend (you can cut them up and make mistakes without destroying the cake itself!) and a few smart cut-and-pastes out of a rectangular shaped cake and the unicorn was happening.

Once I had the shape sorted I covered the entire thing with fondant, made a fondant eye, mane and nose, and tested out my exciting sparkly yellow sugar on the horn. The end result?

A unicorn cake success!

Rainbows on the inside? ...Yes!

My colour gel experiment paid off, and then there was the happiest cutest existence of an Amie ever ^^;

x CB


  1. Even just looking at the pictures of the cake makes me not be able to quit grinning. It is seriously INCREDIBLE!!!!!!! Best cake ever ever ever ever ever! Can't wait to see what you bake (me) next!!

  2. It''s so beautiful. And happy!
