Sunday, April 3, 2011

Multi-coloured icing.

The best thing about frosting, apart from the fact it is made mostly of butter and powdered sugar, is that you can make it in so many colours and pipe it into delicious patterns. Ruby sent me a website tutorial on making swirly, multi-coloured icing a few months ago and this weekend I finally got around to trying it out.

Lemon cupcakes with orange and vanilla frosting.

Unfortunately I have lost my camera battery charger, so I am having to rely on awful quality photo booth photos to document my baking adventures. But! These were delicious and (once I'd figured out the best technique) very fun to decorate. I burst a piping bag on my first attempt, so switched to my icing gun, which I think I've decided is my new favourite baking must-have. Whoever decided a contraption that presses cookies, pipes icing, and looks totally badass in the process would be a good idea was a genius. Go. Buy one. Don't let people catch you pulling sweet secret agent moves with it.


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