Although sad to see her go (it's not every day you make friends with a pack-savvy blocker with a penchant for "eating the baby" and listening to the Go! Team, after all) we threw her quite the Boozy Tuesday leaving party, complete with spontaneous dress ups, plastic wine, and "Chaos Cakes".
For some reason the food colouring I used in the mixture caused the cupcakes to rise in funny directions, so they were a bit weight heavy on one side. No worries, however! Nothing a little frosting couldn't fix and, as aptly pointed out by Scheisse Minelli, these pink and yellow adorned creations look like they're "holding the line"!
Enough with the roller derby references, I'm off for a nap and some snacks.
Stay tuned for more frequent posting (I promise!) and some very exciting projects in the coming months.
xx CB